If you want to stand to be a Councillor
Full guidance on how to stand for the elections is on the Electoral Commission’s website.
The guidance covers eligibility; how to stand; permitted expenditure; the campaign; your rights and what happens after the declaration of the result.
If you are thinking of becoming a parish councillor and want to serve your local community, The National Association of Local Council has general advice and information.
A briefing session for Candidates and Agents was held on Monday 13 March 2023.
For those who were unable to attend a copy of the electronic presentation can be downloaded using the following link Briefing for Candidates and Agents.
Nomination packs are available from Council Offices or can be downloaded from the Electoral Commission website. The deadline for nominations is 4pm Tuesday 4 April 2023.
Please make an appointment to return your nomination papers by emailing elections@ribblevalley.gov.uk or calling us on 01200 414411/414426/414418.
All new councillors are provided with a comprehensive Induction Training package which has been designed to enable you to get the most out of your first few months of being a councillor. This will include training on how the council operates and decision making as well as specific training on topics such as planning; licensing; Code of Conduct; speaking in public; using IT etc.