The Self-Build Register

Self-build Housing in Ribble Valley

We are working to find out how much interest there is in self-build housing across Ribble Valley.

To do this we maintain a register of individuals and groups of individuals who want to build or have their own home built. In addition to this we are inviting landowners and communities to identify sites within or adjoining towns, villages and rural settlements, which may be suitable for self-build housing.

In the future, the register may be used to try and match those with an interest in starting a self-build project with landowners who might have suitable plots of land available for housing.

Any proposal for self-build housing will need a formal planning application and will be subject to the relevant policies set out within the development plan for the area.

Additional information on self-build homes is available through the Self Build Portal which provides encouragement and advice to people who want to build their own home.

What is self-build housing?

Self-build - where you organise and design the construction of your own home. You then need to choose how, listed below are some of the options available to you:

  • self-build one-off home: you manage the design and construction process and are physically involved in part or all of the construction of your home
  • contractor built one-off home: you manage the design process and appoint a contractor to build the home to your specification
  • kit home: you select your preferred kit home and possibly establish the foundations. The kit home company then erects the home
  • independent community collaboration: you work with others to acquire a site to split into plots then organize the design and construction of your own home
  • supported community self-build group: a social landlord or the Community Self Build Agency helps you build a group of homes together. More information about this can be found on their website

Custom build – where you work with a specialist developer to deliver your own home. There are also different options available with this method as follows:

  • developer built one-off home: a developer builds a single home that the self builder completes
  • developer led group project: a developer will organise a group and builds the homes that the self builder completes

The Statutory Self Build and Custom Housebuilding Register

The Self Build and Custom Housebuilding Act 2015 requires relevant authorities, including District Councils, to keep a register of individuals and associations of individuals who are seeking to acquire serviced plots of land for self-build and custom housebuilding. The definition and operation of the register is prescribed by The Self-build and Custom Housebuilding (Register) Regulations 2016. The Act requires that prescribed authorities must have regard to each register that relates to its area when carrying out its functions in relation to planning, housing, the disposal of any land of the authority and regeneration.

How to Apply for Entry in the Register

To register you need to meet the following eligibility criteria:

  1. You must be aged over 18;
  2. You must be a British citizen, a national of an EEA State other than the United Kingdom, or a national of Switzerland; and
  3. You must want to acquire a serviced plot of land to build a house to occupy as you sole or main home

In addition you should meet our local connection criteria below to be placed on Part 1 of the register:

  • Currently living in Ribble Valley for a minimum of 3 consecutive years as your only or primary place of residence.
  • Previously lived in Ribble Valley for a period of five consecutive years within the past 10 years as your only or primary place of residence.
  • Currently permanently employed in the Borough for a minimum of 12 consecutive months.  You must be employed for a minimum of 18 hours per week paid.  A local connection through employment is not established in situations where the work is unpaid, voluntary or on a temporary contract for less than 5 years.
  • Currently self-employed in Ribble Valley and have been for a minimum of 12 consecutive months.  You must demonstrate work for a minimum of 18 hours and a viable business.
  • Has a next of kin who is currently living in the Borough and who has done so continually for a minimum of five years as their sole or primary place of residence. Next of kin for the purposes of this clause is defined as parent, adult son/daughter or sibling.  The family connection must be established by the applicant.
  • Has been a former resident of the Borough (who has previously lived in the Borough for a period of five consecutive years in the last 10 years), who has moved away because of inability to access housing including affordable housing, or to complete tertiary education. 

Any person currently serving in the regular armed forces of the Crown (within the meaning of Section 374 of the Armed Forces Act 2006) is deemed to satisfy the above ‘local connection’ requirement and for a period after leaving service of 5 years.

Evidence for a local connection may include but is not limited to copies of:

  • Council Tax bills addressed to the applicant
  • Household utility bills addressed to the applicant
  • Pay slips or employment contract
  • Name and address of the family member and their Council Tax or utilities bills
  • Armed forces identification (ID) card
  • Veteran ID card or discharge papers

All evidence submitted will be destroyed once local connection is verified. Please do not send originals documents.

Part 1- for entries on Part 1 of the register, the Council must count these entries towards the number of suitable serviced plots that they must grant development permission for.

Part 2 - for those who do not meet the requirements of the local connection criteria, they will then be placed on Part 2. The Council has a duty to regard the entries on Part 2 of the register when carrying out planning, housing, land disposal and regeneration functions.

Once we have received your completed form we will: 

  1. Determine your application to be included on the register (Part 1 or Part 2) within 28 days of receiving it;
  2. If the application is eligible, Ribble Valley Borough Council will invoice you £75.20 per application. Once payment has been received we will make an entry on the register and let you know that this has been done in writing. If the application is from an association, we will only notify the lead contact as identified in the application; and
  3. If the application is not eligible we will write to you to explain the reasons within 28 days of determining the application. If the application is from an association, we will only notify the lead contact as identified in the application

A fee of £75.20 per application to cover the administrative cost of maintaining the Self-Build register is payable on acceptance onto the register. Annual re-registration is required for those that wish to remain on the register and is subject to the relevant fee.

Applications for entry onto the register:

  • Must be made in writing;
  • May be made as an individual or an association; and
  • Provide specific information prescribed by regulations

Any person with an entry on the Register may seek its removal or amendment by submitting a request in writing to the Council.

Applications for entry on the Register can be submitted by completing and returning a form that seeks to obtain the minimum prescribed information whilst providing the opportunity to offer additional optional information that may be helpful in assessing your potential requirements. It is the minimum prescribed information that will be recorded on the Register. Copies of the necessary forms may be downloaded below (including versions for email and Print).