Shoppers and Visitors Receive a Warm Ribble Valley Welcome

Published: 12th April 2021

Platform gallery outside

Shoppers and visitors received a warm Ribble Valley welcome today (Monday, 12 April), when the borough reopened its doors to the public.

Ribble Valley Borough Council has been working with shops and pubs to prepare for Step 2 of the Government’s roadmap on lockdown easing.

From today, the borough’s shops, personal care premises, such as hairdressers and nail salons, and public buildings, including libraries and community centres, can reopen.

And business has been brisk at the council’s Platform Gallery and Ribblesdale Pool, which reopened to enthusiastic swimmers and art enthusiasts.

Ribble Valley Borough Council chief executive Marshal Scott said: “The past few months have been enormously challenging for the retail and hospitality sectors, and it is imperative that they get back to business.

“But it must be done in a way that ensures customers remain safe and we have been working closely with them to ensure they are able to reopen successfully.

“We are delighted that our high streets have reopened and our swimming pool is enjoying a particularly brisk trade.”

Council officers have been out and about in recent weeks distributing information packs to shops and pubs, and explaining the national legislation on reopening.

As well as shops and personal care services, pub gardens and outdoor hospitality venues can reopen, but with table service only, while most outdoor attractions and smaller outdoor events, such as fetes, literary fairs and fairgrounds, have also been given the green light.

Indoor leisure and sports facilities can also reopen, but only for individual exercise, or with your household or support bubble.

Ribble Valley Borough Council has produced Covid-secure information packs that are being distributed to the borough’s pubs and shops in keeping with national legislation.

Full details on coronavirus restrictions and lockdown easing are available at

  • Don’t forget the Ribble Valley Community Hub is still here to help. The hub has been beavering away in the background throughout the pandemic helping thousands of residents with everyday needs and offering a listening ear. You can contact the hub Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, on 01200 414597.