Further Funds to Help Businesses Fight Back from Pandemic

Published: 10th November 2021

Over £500,000 will be available over the coming months to help some Ribble Valley businesses recover from the pandemic.

The cash is targeted specifically at the travel sector and businesses looking to make their premises safe for workers and customers.

A total of £550,000 in ‘additional restriction grants’ is up for grabs, with up to £5,000 available to travel agents with high street premises and up to £1,000 for travel agents who work online.

Business looking to enable the safe return of staff and customers will be eligible for between £2,500 and £25,000 towards 50 per cent of the cost of workplace improvements, such as new access, furniture and fittings, and workstations.

Funds are also available to assist businesses seeking to become more sustainable by growing, adapting, diversifying and expanding their operations.

Between £2,500 and £25,000 towards 50 per cent of the cost of measures, such as green energy, digital business practices, including hardware and software, and the purchase of equipment or machinery, is up for grabs.

Ribble Valley Borough Council has so far paid out over £1.75million in ‘additional restriction grants’ to businesses severely impacted by the pandemic, but ineligible for other support.

The council has also awarded £4.8million in ‘restart grants’ and £8.7million in ‘local restriction support grants’.

And Ribble Valley Borough Council leader Stephen Atkinson has today again praised the ‘phenomenal achievement’ of council finance staff, who have worked flat out during the pandemic to get the vital funds to businesses.

He said “This new money recognises that some businesses may need help with the safe return of staff and customers, or to make the most of new opportunities.

“Our staff have done a fantastic job in allocating financial support to businesses as quickly as possible, often contacting them directly and making the application process as easy as possible, despite the complexities of the funding schemes.

“They have worked flat out throughout the pandemic and the prompt allocation of these grants to the right businesses is a phenomenal achievement.

“Throughout the pandemic I have been proud to lead an organisation that has continued to deliver the services our residents clearly value, at the same time as running a community hub and distributing millions of pounds in vital business support.”

The new grants are not available for salaries, land acquisition, professional fees, paying debts or purchasing consumables, such as PPE.

Detailed criteria and application forms are available at ribblevalley.gov.uk.