Council Secures Further Funds for Business Pandemic Recovery

Published: 29th June 2021

Over £500,000 will be available over the coming months to help some Ribble Valley businesses affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

Ribble Valley Borough Council has so far paid out over 95 per cent of £1.75million allocated by the Government for ‘additional restriction grants’, which are aimed at businesses severely impacted by the pandemic, but ineligible for other support.

This scheme remains open for new applications and a further £567,000 is to be made available over the coming months, with eligible businesses invited to apply, once the distribution criteria has been established.

But contrary to some misleading comments most Government-funded grant schemes are now closed, with the exception of ‘local restriction support grants’ for the period February 16 to March 31, 2021, and ‘restart grants’, which end tomorrow (Wednesday, June 30).

As well as paying out £1.68million in ‘additional restriction grants’, Ribble Valley Borough Council has awarded an incredible £4.8million in ‘restart grants’ to 650 local businesses and £8.7million in ‘local restriction support grants’.

And Ribble Valley Borough Council leader Stephen Atkinson today praised the “phenomenal achievement” of council finance staff, who have worked flat out throughout the pandemic to get the vital funds to local businesses.

He said “Our staff have done a fantastic job in allocating this financial support to Ribble Valley businesses as quickly as possible, often contacting them directly and making the application process as easy as possible, despite the complexities of the scheme.

“They have worked flat out throughout the pandemic and the prompt allocation of these grants to the right businesses is a phenomenal achievement.

“Throughout the pandemic I have been proud to lead an organisation that has continued to deliver the services our residents clearly value, at the same time as running a community hub and distributing millions of pounds in vital business support.”

Government information and guidance on pandemic business support is available at