Keep Ribble Valley Safe Call as Lockdown Starts to Lift

Published: 22nd March 2021

Help keep Ribble Valley safe – that’s the message as the lockdown starts to lift.

The Government has produced a four-step roadmap setting out how the pandemic restrictions will be eased.

From next Monday (29 March), you able to meet outside, including in private gardens, in groups of six or two households.

You will also be able to use outdoor sports facilities and take part in organised outdoor sport.

Ribble Valley Borough Council staff have been working hard to ensure the area’s green spaces and outside sports facilities are in tiptop condition for people to enjoy.

But you are asked to observe social distancing guidance when making the most of the outdoors – and don’t forget many facilities, such as shops, cafes and some toilets, will remain closed.

Ribble Valley’s flagship sports complex – Ribble Valley 3G – will reopen from next Monday, but users are asked to follow a new one-way system and observe social distancing guidance.

And plans are afoot to restart the popular Clitheroe Castle Junior Park Run from Sunday, 11 April, also with new Covid-safe measures.

Ricky Newmark, chairman of Ribble Valley Borough Council’s community services committee, said: “The last year has been a testing time and highlighted the importance of public spaces for our health and wellbeing.

“It’s great that we will now be able to get outdoors in Ribble Valley’s beautiful countryside and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, but the safety of our residents remains a priority, so please stick to social distancing when out and about in the borough, and avoid gathering.”

If visiting Ribble Valley over the coming weeks, here’s how to enjoy yourself and keep the borough and its residents safe:

  • Observe social distancing and avoid gathering
  • Stick to countryside paths and leave gates as you find them
  • It’s lambing season, so keep your dog on a lead in fields
  • Bag your rubbish and take it home with you
  • Remember shops, cafes and some toilets, remain closed

Further details and bookings for the Ribble Valley 3G pitches are available from Ribble Valley Borough Council on 01200 425111.

  • The Clitheroe Castle Junior Parkrun is scheduled to restart on Sunday, 11 April. Organisers of the popular event have developed a Covid-safe framework and further details will be available at soon.