Don’t Lose Your Vote Call to Ribble Valley Electors

Published: 29th March 2021

Ribble Valley goes to the polls in local elections on Thursday, 6 May, and if you want to have a say you must be registered to vote.

It takes just five minutes to register to vote and the registration deadline is midnight on Monday, 19 April.

Byelections will take place in three Ribble Valley borough wards: Billington and Langho, West Bradford and Grindleton, and Mellor, and a number of parish councils.

Elections will also take place for Lancashire County Council’s four Ribble Valley divisions – Clitheroe, Longridge with Bowland, Ribble Valley North East and Ribble Valley South West – as well as the Lancashire police and crime commissioner.

Borough councillors make important decisions on running boroughwide services, such as planning, recycling and refuse collection and sport and leisure.

County councillors make decisions on countywide services, such as education, social care, museums, libraries and roads, while the police and crime commissioner has responsibility for governing Lancashire Constabulary and holding its chief constable to account.

Ribble Valley Borough Council’s electoral and licensing officer, Jane Horsfield, said: “Elections are an opportunity to have a say on who represents you on issues that directly affect your day-to-day life.

“If you have recently turned 18 or moved home, it is particularly important that you ensure you are registered to vote, which takes just five minutes online.”

There are three ways to vote at the elections – in person, by post or by proxy, which is when you appoint someone to vote on your behalf.

If you choose to vote in person, you are asked to keep yourself and others safe by:

  • Wearing a face covering
  • Bringing your own pen or pencil
  • Cleaning your hands when entering and leaving the polling station
  • Keeping a safe distance

You should not attend the polling station if you have symptoms of Covid-19, or have been asked to self-isolate, and provisions are in place if you need an emergency proxy vote for health reasons. 

The deadline to apply for a new postal vote or make changes to an existing postal or proxy vote is 5pm on Tuesday, 20 April, and the deadline to apply for a new proxy vote is 5pm on Tuesday, 27 April.

You can register to vote at or further details are available from Ribble Valley Borough Council’s elections team on 01200 414411.