Vacancies for Independent Persons

Published: 15th February 2021

Ribble Valley Borough Council is looking for members of the public to serve as Independent Persons

Ribble Valley Borough Council is looking for members of the public to serve as Independent Persons

The Council currently has vacancies for two Independent Persons, who play an important role in its arrangements to promote and maintain high standards of conduct.

Mair Hill, Head of Legal and Democratic Services and Monitoring Officer, said: “The Council welcomes applications from members of the public who feel they have the qualities and experience to fill these important roles.”

Training will be provided.  The roles are voluntary but reasonable travel expenses will be payable.

Applicants must not, within the past five years, have been an Elected Member, Co-opted Member or Officer of the Borough Council or of a Parish /Town Council within the Council’s area, or a relative or close friend of those persons, and/or actively engaged in local party-political activity in any way.

An application pack and application form are available either on the Council’s website or can be requested by telephone on  01200 414596 or by emailing

For an informal discussion about the posts please contact Mair Hill on 01200 425111.

The closing date for receipt of completed applications is Friday 12 March 2021 and interviews will be held on 22 March 2021.