Council ‘Thank You’ After Coming Tops for Tax Collection

Published: 5th October 2022

Stephen Atkinson Council Leader
STERLING EFFORT - Ribble Valley Borough Council leader Stephen Atkinson.

A council has thanked its residents and staff after coming tops in the North West for tax collection.

Official figures have revealed that council tax collection in Ribble Valley is the best in the North West and fourth in England.

Ribble Valley Borough Council collected an impressive 99 per cent of council tax in 2021/22 thanks to prompt payment by residents and the diligence of the council’s collection team.

The authority was also joint-13th among England’s 308 councils after collecting 99.1 per cent of business rates.

Council leader Stephen Atkinson said: “Ribble Valley has the lowest council tax in the North West and one of the best collection rates in the country.

“Council tax helps us fund vital services, such as refuse collection and street cleansing, and I would like to thank our residents and staff for these outstanding collection rates.

“This is a significant achievement built on many years of careful financial management and dedicated staff, who know their jobs inside out and continue to deliver efficient and cost-effective services, while maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction during what has been a difficult few years.”

●          Council tax in Ribble Valley is the lowest in Lancashire and one of the lowest in the UK. Further information about council tax and what it is used for is available at It you are worried about paying your council tax, phone Ribble Valley Borough Council on 01200 425111.