Mobile Coronavirus Test and Trace Unit Comes to Longridge

Published: 22nd January 2021

A mobile Coronavirus Test and Trace unit is to be sited in Longridge from Monday 25 January.

Ribble Valley residents with symptoms of Coronavirus will be able to get tested by appointment at the Civic Hall Car Park.

The unit will be stationed at the car park from 10am to 3pm each day on the following dates:

  • Monday 25 January - Wednesday 27 January (inclusive)
  • Monday 1 February - Wednesday 3 February (inclusive)
  • Tuesday 9 February - Wednesday 10 February (inclusive)
  • Monday 15 February - Wednesday 17 February (inclusive)
  • Monday 22 February - Tuesday 23 February (inclusive)

You must book a test online at and the registration process takes about five minutes.

The unit is a drive-in facility, but if visiting on foot you are asked to follow public health guidelines around social distancing and wear a face covering.  

You should return home immediately after the test and continue to self-isolate until you receive the result.

The NHS Test and Trace team will contact you with advice on what to do next if you have tested positive and to obtain details of anyone you have been in contact with.

If you test positive for Coronavirus, you have a legal duty to stay at home for a period ending 10 days after the onset of symptoms and anyone in your household has a legal duty to stay at home for 10 days. Failure to do so is an offence carrying a fine of at least £1,000.

Don’t forget if you are on a low income and told to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace, whether you are employed or self-employed, if you cannot work from home and will suffer a loss of income from self-isolating, you may be entitled to claim £500 from the Test and Trace support scheme.

To book a test go to

To apply to the Test and Trace support scheme see Test and Trace Support Payment.