Gambling Act 2005


Permits regulate gambling and the use of gaming machines in specific premises.  They are issued by the Council and are required when premises provide a gambling facility, but either the stakes and prizes are very low or gambling is not the main function. Download a list of gaming machine categories and maximum stakes and prizes.

Family Entertainment Centre Gaming Machine Permit

Family Entertainment Centres (FECs) are most commonly located at seaside resorts, motorway service stations and airports, and cater for families including unaccompanied children and young people. Any number of category D machines can be made available with this type of permit. The fee is £300 and the permit lasts for ten years with no annual fee. Download and fill in the Gaming Machine Permit application form.

Club Permits

There are two types of club permits available:

Club Gaming Permits allow the provision of no more than three gaming machines from categories B3A, B4, C or D but only one B3A (offering lottery games) can be sited as part of this entitlement. They also allow equal chance gaming (e.g. poker) and games of chance (e.g. pontoon) under certain restrictions. They can be issued to members' clubs and miners' welfare institutes, but not commercial clubs.

Club Machine Permits only allow for the provision of no more than three gaming machines from categories B3A, B4, C or D but only one B3A can be sited as part of this entitlement. Commercial clubs may site up to three machines from categories B4, C or D (not B3A machines).

Both Club Gaming Permits and Club Machine Permits last for 10 years. Each have an application fee of £200 and are subject to an annual fee of £50. Download and fill in the application form for for Club Gaming Permit or Club Machine Permit.

Fast-track procedure - if a club in England and Wales holds a Club Premises Certificate under section 72 of the Licensing Act 2003, it can apply for a Club Gaming or Club Machine Permit under the fast-tract procedure. The application fee in this case is £100 and an annual fee of £50.

Alcohol Licensed Premises

Pubs and other alcohol licensed premises (which hold an on-premises licence) are automatically entitled to two gaming machines of category C or D. The person who holds the Premises Licence (under the Licensing Act 2003) must give notice to the Council that they intend to make gaming machines available for use and pay the fee of £50. There is no annual fee.

Licensed Premises Gaming Machine Permit

If a licensed premises wishes to apply for more than two machines, they they can apply for a gaming machine permit for any number of category C or D machines. The fee in this case is £150 with an annual fee of £50.

Prize Gaming Permit

If the nature and size of the prize is not determined by the number of people playing or the amount paid for or raised by the gaming, then this is classed as prize gaming. If a premises doesn't already have an exiting premises licence or club gaming permit in place, then it can apply for prize gaming permit. This must be made by a person who occupies or plans to occupy the premises and if the applicant is an individual, he must be aged 18 or over.  The fee for this type of permit is £300, it lasts for ten years and there is no annual fee.

Licensing Officer

Address: Council Offices
Ribble Valley Borough Council
Church Walk

Telephone: 01200 414454