Homelessness Strategy 2021 - 2024
This strategy has been written at the end of the global COVID -19 pandemic which required a housing response very different to the statutory function of the Council. Every aspect of the housing sector was hit particularly hard, and the government responded with various measures to alleviate the negative consequences of the crisis.
This is Ribble Valley’s 6th Homelessness Strategy, and it follows an annual review of service delivery and priorities. The Homelessness Review is required to cover:
- the scale and nature of homelessness in the Borough and the factors which could affect future levels upon the district;
- an audit and mapping of homelessness services within the Borough, looking at the various provisions for accommodation and support for homeless people, how homelessness can be prevented and where gaps in the service are.
- a review of the resources available for preventing homelessness and ensuring that accommodation and support is available to homeless people in the area;
- a record of the views of stakeholders and service users;
- the links to other strategies which have an impact on the prevention and tackling of homelessness in the Borough.
Partners in the public, private and voluntary sectors have been consulted via the housing and homelessness forums. These stakeholders, including service users represent a wide range of agencies working with both priority and none-priority homeless groups.
Regular consultations with stakeholders, partners and most importantly service users are vital to success of the strategy. The Strategy will cover a three-year period 2021 to 2024, implementation and action planning will be monitored regularly throughout the life of the Strategy. Monitoring will occur through both the Homelessness and Housing Forums who will analyse the result of various initiatives and actions and make sure targets are being met.
The consultation will close on 23 May. Comments can be sent to housing@ribblevalley.gov.uk.