Flooding Advice and Prevention
The Environment Agency has established a National Flood Warning Centre (NFWC) to provide flood forecasting and warnings to help protect people and property in flood risk areas.
While the Environment Agency provides advance warning of flooding wherever possible, it is the responsibility of householders to protect themselves and their families.
Make a note of these important phone numbers:
Floodline 0345 988 1188 or Typetalk 0345 602 6340
Flood Warning Codes
There are three flood warning codes. Each of these are there to help you prepare for a flood and prompt you to take action.
Flood Alert: Flooding is possible. Be prepared.
Flood Warning: Flooding is expected. Immediate action required.
Severe Flood Warning: Severe flooding. Danger to life.
The following leaflets will help you prepare for flooding and where possible prevent damage:
- Responding to flood warnings
- The use of sandbags in the event of a flood
- Flooding information for the Ribble Valley (Newsletter)
- Protecting Whalley and Billington from Flooding
- Flood leaflets by area
- Cleaning up after a flood
Preparing for a flood
Before flooding
- Find out if you are at risk of flooding
- Contact the Environment Agency Floodline on 0845 988 1188 for advice on current conditions and or visit the Environment Agency flooding website
- Put together an overnight bag in case you have to be evacuated
- Protect doorways and low level air vents with sandbags or plastic bags filled with sand or earth. Remember to unblock before using gas or ventilating equipment
- Check on neighbours, especially those who are elderly or infirm and inform the emergency services or flood warden of their location
During flooding
- Keep calm. If you are in danger dial 999 and/or attract the attention of people nearby
- Turn off water, gas and electricity supplies at the first sign of flooding in your property
- If trapped, remain near a window where you can be seen
- If the emergency services are on the scene, follow their instructions
- Be prepared, you may need to be evacuated
- Do not enter flood waters as depth and current can be deceiving. Just 6 inches (15cm) of flood water can knock an adult off their feet. The flood waters may also be contaminated with sewage and there may be hidden dangers
- Move your family, pets and valuables upstairs or to higher ground if threatened by floods
After flooding
- Contact your insurer
- Do not switch on gas or electricity until it is checked by a professional
- Do not use food that has been in contact with flood water
- Always wear waterproof gloves when handling soiled items and wash your hands if you touch anything soiled by flood water
- Thoroughly clean and disinfect items soiled by flood water
- Assume flood water contains sewage
Floodplain Maps
To view floodplains see the Environment Agency Indicative Floodplain Maps. Use the search box on the right hand side to view a specific area.
River Levels
The government provide a flood information service which shows live river and sea levels along with current flood warnings.
Information is also available on river levels on the Shoothill GaugeMap website, an interactive map with live river level data from over 2,400 Environment Agency river level gauges in England and Wales.
The Flood Hub
The Flood Hub has been designed to be a one stop shop for flood information and resources to support householders, businesses and communities across the North West in becoming more flood resilient. We have pulled together multiple sources of guidance to produce a hub of information that gives an overview of flood resilience and it’s many related topics. By signposting a variety of other useful sources, you will easily be able to find all the information you need either within our content or by visiting one of the linked websites.
North West Regional Flooding Resource
The North West Regional Flooding Resource website provides flooding information specifically for the North West.