The Council's Response to the Equality Duty
Specific Equalities Duties for Public Bodies
Specific equalities duties came in to force at the end of January 2012.
The specific duties ensure that public bodies are accountable for delivering on the Equality Duty by requiring them to be transparent about their own staff and the public services that they deliver, so giving the public the information they need to hold them to account.
The specific duties will require public bodies to publish the following information:
- equality objectives every four years;
- access services/participation rates;
- records of how the Council has had due regard to the aims of the duty in decision-making (Customer Impact Assessments)
- customer satisfaction with services, details of feedback and engagement with service users, quantitative and qualitative research with service users
- and also to publish information relating to our employees (for bodies with 150 or more staff) and others affected by their policies and practices (such as service users).
Workforce profile
The Council is also making available key documents used by the Council to aid decision making:
- Demographic profile for the Ribble Valley - March 2012