
Information about Councillors

Ribble Valley Councillors are elected every four years in local elections. They represent 26 wards and make decisions about local services in the borough. 

We have 40 elected councillors. All councillors are elected by registered voters in their ward.

A councillor is there to represent the views of local people. They also assist people in need or help people to access public services. Councillors work in the best interests of the borough and their local neighbourhood. 

To find your councillor please vist the councillors list.

Councillor expenses

Councillors are not paid but receive an allowance to help them in their work. Details of councillors' allowances can be found in our Councillor Expenses information or you can download the Members' Allowances Paid for each year.

Ribble Valley Borough Councillors have provided information about themselves.  Please see the list of members for their register of disclosable pecuniary interests.

Council Control 

As well as representing the public, councillors also represent political parties. Currently, our councillors represent the following parties:

  • ​​​​18 Conservatives
  • 5 Liberal Democrats
  • 5 Labour
  • 3 Independent Group
  • 4 Green & Progressive Liberal Group
  • 4 Independent Councillors

The Leader and Mayor

The current Leader of Ribble Valley Borough Council is Councillor Stephen Atkinson.

The Mayor is Councillor Louise Edge.

Councillors and meetings 

All 40 councillors meet at Full Council meetings five times a year to discuss import issues affecting the area.

Councillors also attend committee meetings to discuss issues about specific public services such as planning, housing and the community. To find out which councillor sits on which committee see Committee Membership.

To find out when the next meeting will take place see Council Meeting Dates.

Once a decision is taken by councillors it is down to the council's officers to put these decisions into action.

Council officers are managed by the Chief Executive as well as by two other directors, which make up our Corporate Management Team.