RNLI Launches Float to Live Campaign Ahead of the Half Term Holiday

The RNLI launches its Float to Live campaign ahead of the busy half term holidays as it is revealed that 83% of the UK adult population (aged 16-64) expect to visit the coast this summer, and 40% expect to go three times or more.

Although beach leisure time has increased in the UK by nearly a third (28%) over the past three years, 10% of people said the potential dangers associated with the water are something they don't think about often and 36% of people don’t know what to do if they get into trouble in the water.

The RNLI is reminding everyone to remember Float to Live if they find themselves in trouble in water: tilt your head back with ears submerged and try to relax and control your breathing. Use your hands to help you stay afloat and then, once you are through the initial shock, call for help to or swim to safety if you can. 

This vital advice helped save Aggie Kwiecien, from Blackburn when she got into trouble in the water earlier this year. Aggie, who is originally from Poland and has lived in Blackburn for the past 14 years, was out for her regular Sunday run along the towpath of the Leeds and Liverpool Canal near her home when she lost her footing while trying to avoid a large puddle and fell into the water.

Aggie said: ‘It all happened in what felt like slow motion, even though it must have been a fraction of a second. As I felt myself go, I heard a calm voice in my head saying, “OK, you know what to do. You fell into the canal, you mustn't panic, you're going to surface to the water and just relax.” That’s exactly what I did.

‘It was probably a year since I’d seen the TV advert, but it was really ingrained. The image of people falling into the water and floating. You have just a few seconds to do the right thing. I didn’t envisage this happening to me, but in that moment I knew what to do. It was lifesaving.’

Chris Cousens, RNLI Water Safety Lead for the North West said: ‘We are expecting the half-term holiday to be incredibly busy at the coast and across open water in the UK. We want everyone to enjoy being around the water but we also want to make sure people stay safe and know what to do in an emergency.

‘It is important that anyone visiting open water understands the risks of the environment. We want to make sure people know what to do if they find themselves in the water unexpectedly. If you get into trouble in the water, Float to Live: tilt your head back with ears submerged and try to relax and control your breathing. Use your hands to help you stay afloat and then, once you are through the initial shock, call for help to or swim to safety if you can.

‘Aggie’s story really highlights how important it is to know what to do if you get into trouble in the water, staying calm and floating on your back whilst you wait for help could save your life.’

Research by the RNLI and University of Portsmouth’s Extreme Environments Laboratory (EEL) shows that floating is different for everyone, where some people naturally float with little movement, others require gentle use of their hands and legs to stay afloat. The technique has been tested in different open water environments, which shows that Float to Live is helpful both at the coast and in inland waters.

To Float to Live: If you find yourself in difficulty in the water: 

  • Tilt your head back with ears submerged 
  • Relax and try to control your breathing 
  • Use your hands to help you stay afloat 
  • It's OK if your legs sink, we all float differently 

There were 226 deaths in the UK from accidental drownings in 2022, across inland and coastal locations. Of the people who died 40 per cent had no intention of entering the water, such as those walking, with causes including slips, trips and falls, being cut off by the tide, or swept in by waves.

Visit RNLI.org/float2024 for more information.