Crime Support

Report and Support

Reporting a Crime or Concern

In the event of an emergency please call 999. For a non emergency, call 101 or report online here: Home - Lancashire Constabulary - Report Online

To receive updates from local police and complete surveys to share your views please register here:

If you have CCTV footage and would like to share it with the police please register here: LANCASHIRE POLICE - NICE2SHARE

To report a crime anonymously, please follow the link: Independent UK charity taking crime information anonymously | Crimestoppers (

To report a speeding or anti-social driving related concern please follow this link: Speed Concern Submission – Lancashire Road Safety Partnership (

If you are worried that you may have been a victim of fraud please call Action Fraud on 0300 123 2040 or report online: Action Fraud

For Trading Standards related concerns please contact Citizen's Advice. They provide a first line of advice and can refer you to a support service provided by Trading Standards. Telephone : 0808 223 1133 or online: Contact the consumer helpline - Citizens Advice

Victim Support Services

If you have been a victim of crime and require support please contact: Lancashire Victim Services - Lancashire Victim Services Home 

Domestic Abuse Support Services

For general information: Domestic abuse - Lancashire County Council

Our local specialist outreach service for survivors of domestic abuse: HARV |  (

An organisation working with victims, perpetrators and children and young people to protect those experiencing domestic abuse: The Wish Centre

Child Sexual Exploitation and Child Criminal Exploitation advice support services- Nest Lancashire - Supporting young victims

Supporting information around CSE/ CCE IvisonTrust_CSE_CCE_leaflet_RGB.pdf

If you are a young person, or supporting a young person, at risk of suicide please contact:  Papyrus UK Suicide Prevention | Prevention of Young Suicide ( Useful contacts - helping someone who feels suicidal - Mind If a young person has attempted suicide please call 999

Children and Young People: drugs, alcohol and vaping

You can report concerns anonymously using the QR code on this poster: 9115 Wheres the harm A4 poster.pdf or use the following link: Contact us - Lancashire County Council

Community Alcohol Partnerships (CAP) | Home

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