Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support
How is Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support calculated?
Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support is assessed on a means tested assessment for people who pay rent and /or council tax.
The means tested calculation differs for each person as it relates to you and your family's circumstances.
We consider:
- you and your partners age
- any disabilities you or your partner may have
- any children for whom child benefit is payable to either you or your partner
Whether you qualify for Housing and Council Tax Support depends on many circumstances. When calculating Housing and Council Tax Support we will take the following into consideration:
- your income - please note that since 2008 child maintenance is fully disregarded in the calculation and from 2009 Child Benefit is also fully disregarded
- any savings you may have
- the size of your family
- income from non-dependants (other people aged 18 or over who live with you)
If you are aged between 16 and under state pension age and have savings of £16,000 or over, you will not qualify for housing benefit and council tax support. However, if you are of state pension age and in receipt of the guaranteed credit part of pension credit, you may qualify.
Use the Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support Calculator to find out how much you will be entitled to.