Anti Social Behaviour

The Crime and Disorder Act describes Anti Social Behaviour as any action that can cause alarm, harassment or distress to any person not living in the same household. Anti Social Behaviour includes:

  • Intimidating groups in public places
  • Dog fouling
  • Drug dealing and abuse
  • Graffiti
  • Vandalism
  • Noise Nuisance
  • Litter
  • Fly tipping
  • Verbal abuse
  • Harassment
  • Vehicle nuisance i.e. inappropriate driving, abandoned vehicles and inconsiderate parking

There can be other types of anti social behaviour.

Neighbour nuisance

What can I do if I have a problem with my neighbours?

Whenever possible you should try to solve a neighbour dispute yourself. Often the best way to do this is to talk to your neighbour and try to explain clearly and simply the problems you are experiencing as a result of their behaviour.

If the persons responsible continue to be unreasonable, walk away.

Housing complaint

Tenants should initially contact their Housing Officer, whether this is for council owned property, housing association or a registered social landlord.

Onward Homes 0300 555 0600

Noise, smells and other nuisance

Environmental Health staff can investigate a nuisance on your behalf and if necessary take action against persons causing the nuisance.

We cover the following issues:

  • Air Quality
  • Garden and commercial bonfires
  • Contaminated land
  • Lighting
  • Noise
  • Odours and smells
  • Radiation

To report Contact Environmental Health at or 01200 414464 


Cases of criminal nature such as violence or threats of violence or there is a crime in progress, should be directed to the Police on 101 who have a responsibility to investigate crime. You can also report online here: Lancashire Constabulary - Report Online

For regular communication from your local police and to complete surveys to contribute towards priority areas please register for 'In the Know' here:

For anti-social driving concerns please use the link to the Lancashire Road Safety Partnership: Speed Concern Submission – Lancashire Road Safety Partnership (

Always use 999 in emergencies.

Citizens Advice

Members of the public requiring advice on consumer issues can contact the Citizens Advice Consumer Service. They provide first line advice, and will refer the consumer to Trading Standards if assistance is still required after following the initial advice. Their number is 0808 223 1133 or they can be contacted online Contact the consumer helpline - Citizens Advice.


Homewise will provide a list of traders and make recommendations and check up on work - Homewise – Home improvement in Accrington (