Adopted Core Strategy
Examination in Public Information
The Secretary of State appointed Mr Simon Berkeley, BA, MA, MRTPI to conduct the Examination in Public (EIP).
A programme officer was appointed to assist the Inspector in the running of the EIP.
This page provides updates and information regarding the progress of the Examination.
You are advised to check this page regularly for updates on the Examination process.
17 December 2014 - Core Strategy Adopted
The Council formally adopted The Ribble Valley Core Strategy at its meeting on 16 December. Further information regarding the adopted document and the next steps can be found on the Adopted Strategy page below.
9 December 2014 - Core Strategy Recommended for Adoption
A report to Council on 16 December is recommending that the Council formally adopt the Core Strategy following receipt of the Inspector's report which found it Sound.
2 December 2014 - Inspector Issues Report
Ribble Valley Borough Council’s Core Strategy has been found Sound by Inspector Simon Berkeley and is likely to be formally adopted by the Council in the near future. The Inspector has issued his report and an appendix.
25 July 2014 - Consultation on the Proposed Modifications to the Core Strategy
A further round of consultation is taking place on the Proposed Modifications to the Core Strategy and accompanying Sustainability Appraisal Addendum. The consultation runs from 9.00am on Friday 25 July - 5.00pm on Friday 5 September 2014. More information on the Consultation and the documents can be found here.
23 May 2014 - Consultation on the Publication of Proposed Main Modifications to the Core Strategy
Following the Council's approval of the modifications and further work identified at a Special Planning and Development Committee on 8 May, a consultation took place on that work. For further information see the 'Publication of proposed Main Modifications to Submitted Core Strategy' page.
31 January 2014 - Letter from the Inspector
The Inspector, Mr Simon Berkeley, has issued some comments following the close of the Examination. His letter and the Council's response can be found here:
22 January 2014 - Inspector closes Hearing Sessions
The Inspector, Mr Simon Berkeley, BA, MA, MRTPI, closed the Hearing Sessions on Wednesday 22 January 2014. All evidence submitted during the course of the Hearings can now be found in the evidence library of documents below or paper copies are available to view at the Council Offices in Clitheroe.
16 January 2014 - Revised Programme
Please note that the Inspector will be continuing to examine Matter 3 (housing) and Matter 4 (affordable housing) on Wednesday 22 January 2014 - starting at 10:00am
An updated Schedule of Matters and Issues (and programme) is available.
8 January 2014 - Information Regarding the Examination
The Examination Programme has been made available, which details attendees.
The submitted further written statements and further evidence has been made available.
18 December 2013 - Information Regarding the Examination
No changes have been made to the first draft Programme following the opportunity given to make comments, but late changes may still be unavoidable. The Programme Officer will notify any participants of any late changes to the timetable, but it is the responsibility of participants to keep themselves up to date with the arrangements and the programme by regularly checking these pages.
22 November 2013 - Schedule of Issues and Matters made available
The Inspector has decided not to hold a Pre-Hearing Meeting, but instead has prepared a Guidance Note together with a first Draft Programme, which is included in the Inspector's Schedule of Matters and Issues.
The Schedule sets out those areas of the Core Strategy that will be explored further at the Hearing sessions by the Inspector, the Council and individuals/organisations that have previously submitted formal representations.
11 November 2013 - date set for Independent Examination
The public hearing sessions of the Independent Examination into the Core Strategy will formally open on Tuesday 14 January 2014 at 9.30am. Subsequent sessions will normally start at 9.00am and 2.00pm each day. The hearings are likely to be in session on Tuesday 14 - Friday 17 January 2014 and Tuesday 21 January 2014 - 4 January 2014.
The Examination will be held in the Council Chamber, Civic Suite, 13 Church Street, Clitheroe, Lancashire, BB7 2DD.
Details of each session will be made available on the Council's website.
Alternatively, details can be obtained from the Programme Officer.
Anyone with any interest in observing the Examination should notify the Programme Officer in advance detailing which session they wish to attend.
See the Statutory Notice of Examination.
September 2013
The refreshed evidence has now been submitted to the Inspector (see below) and additional time has been allowed for the Council to finalise some pieces of work and consult on the refreshed evidence.
Core Strategy Submission
Information regarding the Core Strategy Submission and the documents submitted at that stage to the Inspector can be found on the pages below.
Additional Supporting Information - Post Submission Documents
The following information was submitted by or to the appointed inspector to support the Public Examination of the Core Strategy.
The full list of documents shows all the information submitted to the Inspector. The Evidence Library can be found on the page below.