Have Your Say on Housing and Development In Ribble Valley
Residents in Ribble Valley are invited to have their say on the borough’s new Local Plan.
The plan will set out how many future houses might be built in the borough and where.
It will also look at the delivery of public services, such as refuse collection, health and education, and how to access them.
And as well as business development sites in Ribble Valley’s three main centres of Clitheroe, Longridge and Whalley, it will also consider economic growth in the borough’s 40 villages.
A document setting out the key issues that will inform the plan can be viewed at ribblevalley.gov.uk or the Ribble Valley Borough Council Offices in Church Walk, Clitheroe, from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
It can also be viewed at Clitheroe, Longridge, Chatburn, Whalley and Mellor libraries.
Comments should be e-mailed to localplanconsultation@ribblevalley.gov.uk or posted to Local Plan Consultation, Forward Planning Team, Ribble Valley Borough Council Offices, Church Walk, Clitheroe, Lancashire, BB7 2RA, by 5pm on Thursday, July 7.
Further details are available from Ribble Valley Borough Council’s forward planning team on 01200 425111.